TITLE: One Step Short To the Moon: IIT vs. Love
AUTHOR: Pratik Shelke

STYLE: First Person Narration



The book opens us to the feelings of the author who like most of the IIT aspirants is in the coaching institution expressing what he feels.  The plot of the story is developed on a true suicide attempt story. The book packs a lot of Love, Emotion, Success, Failure, and struggles at the same time. Every student who has been to an IIT or has prepared for it will find this book really relatable to themselves.

‘Falling in love is considered insane for an IIT aspirant ‘…

Everybody has a dream but ‘what if demands your life?’

These lines touched my heart the most.

The experience and the research and the time that the author has devoted to the book are clearly visible and that the reason why this book came out with flying colors. I am awestricken by his writing style and from the fact that he so effortlessly gave words to the feeling which are not easy to express

the story in the novel is about Sachi, Sahir, Pratik, Aditi, Raghav, and mainly the author. The reason why I am not telling what the story holds or what the readers will be exposed to is that what the author has written in the words there is something that one should read and feel it themselves. The reason I find this book really close to me is because I myself went through the hassle of preparing for IIT and in-process losing both the IIT and the school course. I read this book out straight in a single sitting because of the fact the language used is really simple and the narration is at a quite fast pace. The book is set in an Indian background helping the reader to stay at pace with the narration and creating a lot of interest. To sum up my experience of the book, it is an emotional roller coaster that expresses a feeling that a student goes through when preparing for an examination as big and glorified as JEE. Even after getting into an IIT the race never stops and it just keeps on hassling you. It expresses and unfolds feeling and emotions which otherwise are oblivious to the students as well as their parents. In totality it is one of the best books in its genre and everyone should give it a read.

Author’s Blong:http://campsite.bio/pratikshelke
